Understanding Dextrose

by Masda Chemical on Feb 2 , 2024

What is Dextrose?

Dextrose is a simple sugar made from corn and chemically similar to glucose. Dextrose is a staple on the baker’s shelf, but it is a sugar that can save lives. Found in processed food products such as corn and food syrups and other common foods such as honey and bread. Dextrose is often used to give foods longer shelf life. Dextrose is a simple sugar due to the ability of the body to metabolise it quickly and convert it to energy. Dextrose is used in medicine to treat conditions such as dehydration and low blood sugar and in total parenteral feeding to cope with the lack of nutrition. The intravenous sugar solution is now commonly known as a dextrose solution, as it is a mixture of dextrose and water for electrolyte replacement.

How is Dextrose Used?

Dextrose is used in baking and preparing cakes, candy bars, and sweeteners. Dextrose in water (dextrose 5%) can replace lost fluids and provide beneficial carbohydrates to the body, commonly used to treat low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Apart from being used to sweeten food, the food ingredient is often used to neutralise salty or spicy foods to make them more appealing. Some companies add dextrose to their food products to improve their shelf life. Dextrose is also widely used in other products such as animal feed, bath products, and many more. Dextrose is used as a diluent to dilute potent medicines. Furthermore, it helps to lower blood potassium levels without the user becoming hypoglycemic as a result.

The Benefits of Dextrose

Dextrose benefits bakers as it is a significant component of many confectionery products. It is a sweetener and neutraliser in many foods; dextrose can also often be used to extend the shelf life of food products and is commonly used to make intravenous preparations and mixtures. It is naturally dense and effortless for the body to break down to provide energy. It benefits bodybuilders who want to increase their weight and muscle mass. Due to its simplicity, Dextrose benefits bodybuilders as they are more successful in making fat burn faster. Dextrose is safe, portable and convenient.