Wheat Gluten


Wheat gluten, also known as seitan when cooked, is a food made from gluten, the main protein of wheat. It is produced by washing wheat flour dough with water until all the starch granules have been removed, leaving a sticky mass of protein, which is then cooked.

This process results in a chewy, meat-like texture, making wheat gluten a popular meat substitute, especially in vegetarian and vegan diets. Wheat gluten is high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, offering a nutritious alternative to animal protein sources. It’s versatile in culinary applications and can be flavoured in numerous ways to mimic the taste and texture of various types of meat, from chicken and beef to pork and seafood.

Our wheat gluten comes from top-quality wheat and undergoes rigorous quality control to guarantee protein content and performance. It’s perfect for enhancing bakery products and adding elasticity and volume to bread, pastries, and more. Available in various grades and packaging, our wheat gluten is designed to meet diverse needs. Our dedication to excellence is evident in our thorough testing and quality control, ensuring our product consistently upholds industry standards.

Key Features

  • High Protein Content: Rich in proteins, making it an excellent choice for nutritional enhancement in food products.
  • Elasticity and Volume: Enhances the elasticity and rise of the dough, contributing to superior texture and volume in bakery products.
  • Versatile Ingredient: Suitable for a wide range of culinary applications, from meat substitutes to bakery enhancements.
  • Low in Fat and Carbohydrates: Offers a healthier alternative for creating low-fat, low-carb food products.
  • Improves Texture: Provides a chewy, meat-like texture to vegetarian and vegan dishes, mimicking the mouthfeel of meat.
  • Natural and Vegan: A natural, plant-based protein source, ideal for vegetarian, vegan, and clean-label products.
  • Shelf-Stable: Dry wheat gluten offers extended shelf life, making it a convenient option for manufacturers.


  • Meat Substitutes: Used to make seitan, a popular vegan meat alternative, due to its meaty texture and ability to absorb flavours.
  • Bakery Products: Enhances the quality of bread, pastries, and other baked goods by improving dough elasticity and structure.
  • Pasta Production: Contributes to the firmness and texture of pasta, allowing for better cooking quality and texture retention.
  • Cereal Products: Incorporated into breakfast cereals and granola to boost protein content and improve texture.
  • Dairy Alternatives: Used in vegan cheese and other dairy-free products to improve texture and nutritional profile.
  • Nutritional Bars: Added to protein bars and energy bars for their high protein content and textural properties.
  • Pet Food: Utilized in pet food formulations to increase protein content and enhance texture.